Reaching Success – Understanding Behaviours, Encouraging Change. Project “Integrated Urban Development and Mobility Planning”. Second Interim Report
The ambitious political objectives of achieving mobility that is economically, socially and ecologically sustainable cannot be met through technological innovations, such as electrification, digitalisation and connectivity, alone. The transformation that is urgently required will only be possible if the attitudes of individuals and society change. For this reason, behavioural dynamics must also be considered in the context of space. Why, how and where people travel ultimately comes down to the combination of many different factors. There are many layers and dimensions to this individual behaviour and it must be considered in integrated planning processes.
This acatech DISCUSSION is the second interim report on the project “Integrated urban development and mobility planning” and as such it explores behaviour as the crux of integrated urban development and mobility planning and its realisation. It highlights structural, psychological and socio-cultural factors and identifies intervention strategies that can initiate change in the behaviour of individuals and society.