We communicate transparently, with a focus on dialogue
acatech advises policymakers and the public – impartially, based on evidence and for the common good. To achieve this, the Academy follows the Guidelines for Advising Policymakers and the Public. acatech is committed to independent journalism and communication about science and technology that are centred on having an objective dialogue. For this reason, the Academy has also co-authored the Leitlinien zur guten Wissenschafts-PR (Guidelines for good science PR) (in German) and shares these. Good science and technology communication is a joint effort, which acatech fosters with its own projects and its participation in joint initiatives. The Academy would like to support the discussion on new technologies – by analysing social negotiation processes relating to technology and testing new formats of technology communication. In addition, acatech invites experts from the Academy, politics and public organisations to share in dialogues.
PUNKT journalism prize
The PUNKT – prize for journalism and photography in the field of technology (in German) awards journalists who pointedly communicate on technology in a sound, creative way that is easy to understand and yet involves a critical point of view. Dieter Spath from acatech states, “It’s up to us, as a society, how we design new technologies. More than ever before, we need for this an open and differentiated debate about technology. With PUNKT, acatech is distinguishing well-researched and active journalism relating to technology which supports this debate.”
The acatech SenatsNetzwerk
The acatech SenatsNetzwerk is where decision-makers within the fields of strategy and communication – from the companies, organisations and research institutes of the acatech Senate – come together. It is here that members discuss trends relating to technology communication, visit editorial offices, advise the Academy in issues centred on communication and start their own initiatives. Furthermore, the communication group advises the jury for the PUNKT journalism prize and endows the prize.
acatech participates in initiatives which support communication about science and technology:
ARD alpha, ARD’s educational channel with learning opportunities, background knowledge and tips
Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, the largest and of the strongest in research and oldest of the eight state academies in Germany
Bayerischer Rundfunk (in German), the public broadcasting network of the Free State of Bavaria
Futurium, the place in Berlin for all those who are interested in shaping the future
Kunstareal München, making the connection between art, culture and science an experience
Science Media Center, supporting journalists in their coverage and reporting
vhs.wissen live (in German), the digital science programme of the Volkshochschulen (Germany’s adult education centres)
Wissenschaft im Dialog, the joint science initiative committed to discussions and dialogue about research in Germany
Wissenschaftsjahre, in which researchers seek to start a dialogue with citizens every year, throughout the year