Our vision
Germany is a world leader in terms of innovation and technological capabilities. The technological sciences are widely recognised by the public as a key driver of sustainable growth and prosperity – people see technology as an integral part of our national culture, and policymakers and the public discuss and answer technology-related questions based on the most up-to-date knowledge available. The National Academy of Science and Engineering is consulted and listened to as a trusted expert advisor to policymakers and the public, providing effective support for policymaking in the field of innovation.
acatech has a mandate from the Federal Government and the Länder to contribute expert knowledge to the policymaking process.
acatech provides effective structures for the science-based discussion of strategic technology issues. Experts from science, industry and civil society develop evidence-based proposals as input for the public and policy debate. The themes covered range from resources and the energy supply to technological developments, securing the supply of qualified specialists and technology communication.
As the voice of the technological sciences, acatech is committed to ensuring that ideas become innovations and that these innovations in turn lead to greater prosperity, welfare and quality of life. Driving the necessary innovation to achieve this goal relies in particular on cooperation between science and industry in which experts from academia and from industrial R&D collaborate on the development of proposed solutions in joint project groups.
The Members form the first pillar of the Academy. These prominent scientists from the fields of engineering, the natural sciences and medicine, as well as the humanities and social sciences, are invited to join acatech because of their scientific achievements. The second pillar of the Academy is the Senate, whose members are leading figures from technology companies and organisations, as well as the major science organisations.
In fulfilment of its mandate, acatech provides independent, evidence-based advice that is in the public interest.
acatech aims to add value. The actors involved with the Academy take a strategic view focused on the long-term outlook for society. acatech’s work contributes to informed debates on technology-related issues and strategically robust decision-making.
acatech’s advice is independent and transparent. The Academy clearly sets out the opportunities and risks of technological developments and provides details of how the relevant conclusions were reached and which experts were involved. acatech publishes all the results of its work. The principles that underpin acatech’s advice are described in its Guidelines for Advising Policymakers and the Public. By following these guidelines, the Academy guarantees that its advice to policymakers and the public is science-based, independent, non-party-political and in the public interest.
acatech represents Germany’s technological sciences at the European academy association Euro-CASE and its global counterpart CAETS. acatech is funded through a mix of institutional funding from the Federal Government and the Länder, third-party project funding and donations.