Innovation Potential of Biotechnology
Biotechnology – a key industry for the 21st century
Ever since the discovery of the genetic code in the 1960s, rapid progress has been made in the understanding of biological processes. In particular, methods of genetic engineering are being applied in increasingly diverse fields and new tools continuously open up more approaches to analyse and modify life. Most recently, with the development of the CRISPR/Cas method in 2012, a decisive breakthrough was achieved. In combination with modern types of analysis and data evaluation this method has opened up brand new possibilities in the engineering of biological processes. Many experts believe that this convergence of technologies for analysis, data processing and modification in the life sciences, and in biotechnology in particular, unlocks a potential for transformation comparable to digitization. Biotechnology is a key technology for the 21st century. In this acatech IMPULSE this substantial innovation potential in a variety of different areas and sectors are illustrated.