acatech Maturity Index Smart Services: Shaping the Transformation from Company to Smart Service Provider
Smart Services – effectively, the triad of product, service and customer value proposition – hold the prospect for traditional manufacturers to set themselves apart and create new market opportunities. The limited availability of Smart Services to date shows that the manufacturing industry is experiencing complex challenges in combining product, service and value proposition into sustainable and competitive Smart Services, coming up with successful business models and adapting organisations to the Smart Service business. Only the major players can do this by themselves but the innovation hub that is Germany also includes hidden champions: small and medium enterprises.
The acatech STUDY Maturity Index Smart Services presents a maturity model with six criteria for transforming traditional manufacturers into smart service providers; the companies’ progress towards establishing a smart service business is divided into six different maturity levels. The transformation is thus evidence-based and practical; companies can use the guided toolkit to further their adoption of a Smart Service business.