The Innovation Dialogue between the Federal Government, industry and science

Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (front row, 5th from left) receives the participants in the Innovation Dialogue at the Federal Chancellery (front row, 3rd from left, Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister of Education and Research; back row, 3rd from left, Helge Braun, Head of the Federal Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Tasks; back row, far right, Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy). (Photo: Federal Government/Jochen Eckel)
What is the Innovation Dialogue?
The Innovation Dialogue between the Federal Government – represented by the Federal Chancellor, the Federal Minister of Education and Research, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, the Federal Minister of Finance and the Head of the Federal Chancellery – and representatives of science and industry was established to provide the Federal Government with independent expert advice on all aspects of the innovation scene and innovation policy.
The Innovation Dialogue is organised by a project office at acatech which supplies background documentation on the topic of every meeting, ensuring a common factual basis for the discussions and the advice provided to the Federal Government.
The topics of the Innovation Dialogue
Strength in innovation is key to Germany’s international competitiveness and thus to sustainable growth, value creation and employment.
The Innovation Dialogue observes and analyses the latest developments and discoveries in research, science and technology, drawing on acatech’s unique network together with the expertise of various other organisations. Hosted at the Federal Chancellery, the individual meetings of the Innovation Dialogue facilitate discussion of key strategic innovation policy issues in small groups. The topics covered include both specialised technological themes and the policy, economic and social frameworks.
Previous Topics of the Innovation Dialogue
- Resilience of Supply Chains and Value Networks
- Innovations for a European Green Deal
- Innovation Potential of Second Generation Quantum Technologies
- Impulses for the German Innovation System Generated from Competition with China and Hydrogen Economy
- International benchmark innovation systems and Circular Economy
- Towards an innovative future. Conclusions and recommendations of the Federal Government’s Innovation Dialogue 2014–2017 and identification of future discussion topics
- Promoting disruptive innovations
- Germany’s role in European innovation policy
- The innovative potential of biotechnology
- Modern forms of knowledge, information and technology transfer
- The innovative potential of human-machine interaction
- Digital connectivity and the future of value creation in German industry
- International benchmarking of innovation systems and STEM education as an innovation policy challenge
- Success drivers of modern innovation policy: Conclusions and recommendations of the Innovation Dialogue 2010–2013 and identification of future discussion topics
- The innovative potential of digitalisation for creating value and employment
- The international dimension of German innovation policy as illustrated by Asia
- Technology fields and innovative services with the potential to add value
- Funding innovative start-ups
- Analysis of the cluster landscape
- Benchmarking international innovation systems
The steering committee
Each Innovation Dialogue meeting is attended by a steering committee comprising high-level representatives of science and industry appointed on behalf of the Federal Chancellor. The steering committee is chaired by Henning Kagermann, Chairman of the acatech Board of Trustees.
Details of the steering committee members
Members of the Federal Government:
Head of the steering committee:
Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann
Chairman of the acatech Board of Trustees
acatech Senator
Members of the steering committee:
Innovation Dialogue project office
acatech organises the Innovation Dialogue on behalf of the Federal Government. The main points of contact for questions about the topics and structure of the Dialogue are the Federal Chancellery and the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government.
Project office contact details:
acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering
Innovation Dialogue Project Office
Karolinenplatz 4
80333 München
(Foto Dr. Jorg Körner: © Anna Olivia Weimer)