Martin Krzywdzinski joins Research Council Industrie 4.0
Munich, 16 May 2023
The Research Council Industrie 4.0 welcomes new member Martin Krzywdzinski on board. As a barometer of the direction of trends, the representatives of science and industry – which currently number 32 – observe and assess developments in the performance profile of Industry 4.0. In addition, the Research Council sees itself as a source of inspiration for future research topics. In particular, the acatech-coordinated Research Council Industrie 4.0 advises the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Plattform Industrie 4.0.
“Work, enterprise and society” is one of the aspects of Industry 4.0 the work of the Research Council deals with. Martin Krzywdzinski conducts research into the world of work and technological change in the context of globalisation, and brings his wide-ranging expertise to the Research Council Industrie 4.0. He is Professor of International Labour Relations at Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, head of the research group “Globalization, Work and Production” at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and Director at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society.
Industry 4.0 will usher in substantial changes in work processes and business models as well as bring about technological innovations. The Research Council is delighted to welcome Prof. Martin Krzywdzinski as a member, as he brings his particular expertise in these areas to the Council.
Peter Liggesmeyer (Fraunhofer IESE), scientific spokesperson of the Research Council Industrie 4.0
Sabine Pfeiffer (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) has stepped down from the Research Council.
Sabine Pfeiffer brought a perspective to the Research Council that focused on the social sciences as well as technology. We extend our sincere thanks to her for her contribution and wish her all the best.
Harald Schöning (Software AG), industry spokesperson of the Research Council Industrie 4.0
About the Research Council Industrie 4.0
As a strategic and independent committee, the Research Council Industrie 4.0 is instrumental in pinpointing research-based approaches to further and realise Industry 4.0, the overriding goal being to strengthen the German innovation system and enhance value creation. The Research Council currently comprises 32 representatives of science and industry who apply their interdisciplinary expertise to come up with new research proposals and research needs that can be addressed at the pre-competitive stage, pinpoint medium-to-long-term development prospects and derive courses of action for the successful realisation of Industry 4.0. The work of the Research Council is coordinated by acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering – overseen by Projektträger Karlsruhe (PTKA) as project administrator and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).