TechnikRadar 2024: What the Germans think about technology
The TechnikRadar (TechnologyRadar) of acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering, Körber Foundation and ZIRIUS – Centre for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Research at the University of Stuttgart is a regular, nationwide representative survey developed according to social science standards and evaluated using empirical social research methods. As a long-term early warning system, it makes undesirable developments in technological change recognisable in good time or indicates a particular need for communication. At the same time, the TechnikRadar aims to support innovation processes so that products and technologies are in line with citizens’ expectations. The results provide a sound basis for the debate about the significance of technical innovations and the possibilities of shaping them as well as the regulatory measures required.
The TechnikRadar 2024 focuses on possible changes in attitudes in the previous surveys in 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2022 in light of various crises and debates: Which topics are seen as Germany’s most important future tasks? Which technologies are more likely to be associated with benefits and which with risks? How have general attitudes towards technology developed? And what about citizens’ desire to play an active role in shaping technological development?