Gender Equality Report and Action Plan for the Academy
acatech is convinced that it is necessary to have as broad and balanced a range of perspectives as possible in order to provide policymakers and society with advice geared to the common good and has therefore set itself the goal of achieving gender equality.This applies to both the acatech office with all its employees and the entire academy, consisting of its scientific members. The Gender Equality Report and Action Plan for the Academy and its sister publication Gender Equality Report and Action Plan for the Secretariat each evaluate the current progress in achieving the goals and update the Action Plans on Gender Equality, which were formulated in 2018, to further increase the proportion of women at acatech.
The 2020 action plan now takes into account the German Research Foundation’s new “Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice”, which were revised in 2019. “Equality in science means not only more women on all levels. Researchers must consider women’s concerns in the methodology and evaluation of research projects in accordance with the German Research Foundation’s codex on good scientific practice,” explains Martina Schraudner in a statement celebrating International Women’s Day 2021. “The head office specifically promotes the visibility of female scientists and experts in the academy in general and in the working and project groups in particular. We bring additional perspectives to the table when discussing important future challenges and the inclusive and value-oriented design of technology. The diversity of perspectives not only enables us to provide continuously excellent advice. It ultimately promotes interest in innovations and their acceptance – our central mission.”